Welcome to St. James' Parish Glenmore.
"Before you speak it is necessary for you to listen, For God speaks in the silence of the heart"
All bookings for funerals, weddings, baptism and anniversary masses must be made directly with Fr. O' Toole.
The sick and house bound of the Parish are visited by Fr. O' Toole on the first Friday of every month. Should anyone wish to be added to this list please contact Fr O' Toole to arrange.
Mass Times
Satruday 25th January
Funeral Mass for Peter Heffernan London & Aylwardstown 2pm
Sunday 26th January 11am
Kathleen Walsh, Robinstown
James &Anastatia Foran & Molly Hoynes, Aylwardstown.
Monday 27th January 10am
Tuesday 28th January 10am
Wednesday 29th January 10am
Thursday 30th January 10am
Friday 31st January 10am
Satruday 1st February 7pm
Tom Whelan, Kilmathomas
Brigid Malone, Ballyverneen
Jim & Larry Ryan, Miltown & Deceased Members of the Ryan Family
In mid-winter as we are now, only the barest signs of Spring are visible. But we have no doubt that Spring is just around the corner even though the ground still carries many of the dead leaves of last Summer. We continue to live in a time of change, in society, in political life, in the Church and in our parish. As the old certainties pass away, we can be both fearful and excited at what the future will bring. Our Diocesan and Parish structures have served us well in the past but they assumed a large number of priests and a model of church where the priests provided the necessary Church services for the people. For many years, theologians and church leaders have been saying that now is the time when all baptised people will take their rightful places in church life. However, it has taken the huge reduction in the number of priests to bring us to the moment where lay people can flourish.
As we move into the future, guided by our Bishop, Niall Coll, we can choose to resist change or to be open and excited about what is happening in our parish and in the diocese. But like the coming spring, the Holy Spirit, the Breath of God will break through the withered beauties of last year and carry us forward to enjoy what is new and fresh in the world.
View our Current Parish Newsletter here.
Newsletter for 26th January 2025
Glenmore Parish Mass streaming service.
Weekday masses will be streamed live at 10.00 am
The 1st, 3rd and 5th Saturday of the month at 7.00 pm
Every Sunday at 11.00 am
The Divine Mercy Prayer's will also be live streamed on webcam and will be available on the handset directly after 10.00 am mass on Wednesday 's
Your support of our parish is greatly appreciated and many thanks to all who contribute but if you feel you would like to contribute to our parish. Please contact our Parish Office to register for envelopes which facilitate regular contributions to our parish. Alternatively contributions by standing order can be arranged.
Currently the main sources of income into Parish Funds is derived from weekly envelope collection and the offertory basket collection at Mass / First Sunday door collection. All of this money is lodged to the Parish account and is used for the day to day running expenses / upkeep of Parish Hall, Car Park, Church and Graveyard.
St James' Parish Glenmore
Charity Reg No. 20015831
Located in South Kilkenny in the Diocese of Ossory.
The Parish Church is dedicated to St James the Apostle.
Parish Priest: Very Rev, Thomas O' Toole
Parochial House, Glenmore Via Waterford, Co. Kilkenny
Mobile: 087 2240787, Email: tm5-tle@hotmail.com
All bookings for funerals, weddings, baptism and anniversary masses must be made directly with
Fr. O' Toole.
The sick and house bound of the Parish are visited by Fr. O' Toole on the first Friday of every month. Should anyone wish to be added to this list please contact Fr O' Toole to arrange.
Baptisms Saturday at 5.00pm and Sunday at 11.00am
Confessions after 7.00 pm mass every 1st and 3rd Saturday evening.
Glenmore Parish Tel. 051 880414 / Contact / Mass Streaming Service
Located in South Kilkenny in the Diocese of Ossory. The Parish Church is dedicated to St James the Apostle.
© 2022 Glenmore Parish