• Welcome to St. James' Parish Glenmore.

    "Before you speak it is necessary for you to listen, For God speaks in the silence of the heart"

  • All bookings for funerals, weddings, baptism and anniversary masses must be made directly with Fr. O' Toole.


    The sick and house bound of the Parish are visited by Fr. O' Toole on the first Friday of every month. Should anyone wish to be added to this list please contact Fr O' Toole to arrange.

  • Mass Times



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    Saturday 27th July NO MASS

    Sunday 28th July 11.00am

    Cian Murphy, Ballyfacey

    Thomas Walsh & Mary Walsh (Née Mullally) Rochestown

    Monday 29th July 10.00am

    John Culleton, Kilbride.

    Tuesday 30th July 10.00am

    Wednesday 31st July 10.00am

    Thursday 1st August 10.00am

    Firday 2nd August 9.30am

    Satruday 3rd August

    Theresa Foran, Aylwardstown.

    Sunday 4th August 11.00am

    Mary & Larrry Ryan, Miltown.






































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     In July 2021 Pope Francis established a World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly, which was celebrated for the first time on Sunday, 25th July 2021 when Pope Francis celebrated Mass in Rome.

     During the Mass, Pope Francis reminded us that grandparents and the elderly deserve our respect and praise. Among the greatest people we are likely to meet in our lives could be our own grandparents. Throughout their lives they had to endure war, shortages, scarcity and hours of hard tedious work. Times were tough in many different ways. Grandparents sacrificed everything to take care of their families and gave their children better lives than they themselves had. For their grandchildren they are caregivers, teachers and playmates. They are trusted advisors for their adult children who are now parents themselves. For many families, grandparents provide regular child care. In some cases, they are primary caregivers to their grandchildren. They are a valuable resource because they have so many stories and experiences from their own lives to share. Children understand more of who they are and where they come from, through their connection with their grandparents. Grandparents can get away with a little spoiling, which gives them a special place in a child’s heart, and they tell the best stories!!

    On Friday, 26th July we celebrated the Feast of Saint Joachim and Saint Anne, parents of Our Lady land grandparents of Jesus.






    View our Current Parish Newsletter here.

    Newsletter for 28th July 2024.


  • Glenmore Parish Mass streaming service.

    Weekday masses will be streamed live at 10.00 am

    The 1st, 3rd and 5th Saturday of the month at 7.00 pm

    Every Sunday at 11.00 am


    The Divine Mercy Prayer's will also be live streamed on webcam and will be available on the handset directly after 10.00 am mass on Wednesday 's


  • Donate

    Your support of our parish is greatly appreciated and many thanks to all who contribute but if you feel you would like to contribute to our parish. Please contact our Parish Office to register for envelopes which facilitate regular contributions to our parish. Alternatively contributions by standing order can be arranged.

    Currently the main sources of income into Parish Funds is derived from weekly envelope collection and the offertory basket collection at Mass / First Sunday door collection. All of this money is lodged to the Parish account and is used for the day to day running expenses / upkeep of Parish Hall, Car Park, Church and Graveyard.




  • St James' Parish Glenmore

    Charity Reg No. 20015831


    Located in South Kilkenny in the Diocese of Ossory.

    The Parish Church is dedicated to St James the Apostle.


    Parish Priest: Very Rev, Thomas O' Toole

    Parochial House, Glenmore Via Waterford, Co. Kilkenny

    Mobile: 087 2240787, Email: tm5-tle@hotmail.com


    All bookings for funerals, weddings, baptism and anniversary masses must be made directly with

    Fr. O' Toole.


    The sick and house bound of the Parish are visited by Fr. O' Toole on the first Friday of every month. Should anyone wish to be added to this list please contact Fr O' Toole to arrange.


    Baptisms Saturday at 5.00pm and Sunday at 11.00am

    Confessions after 7.00 pm mass every 1st and 3rd Saturday evening.